MiniSexDolls’s diary

Affordable Mini Sex Dolls













セックス人形は今非常に現実的ですか? しかし、セックス人形は最初はあまり良くありませんでした。 人間のオナニーの道具として生まれたセックス人形は、第二次世界大戦中に生まれたと言われています。 さまざまな情報源によると、ヒトラーはある程度「セックス人形の誕生を可能にするもの」と呼ばれることがあります。


ヒトラーとセックス人形との関係については、現在2種類の声明があります。1つは、ドイツ人の血の純度を確保するために、ヒトラーと非アーリア系の女性が結婚することを禁止したことです。 セックス人形;別の人は、ヒトラーがナチ軍の性感染症の拡散を防止しようとしていると言ったので、彼はSS司令官ヒムラーに密かにセックス人形を開発するよう命じました。

Sexy cat girl - Catwoman - Sex Doll & Sex toy





1970年代までに、セックス人形は商業開発の段階に入り始めました。 日本は、プラスチック製の膨張式人間オナニー器具を開発しました。 インフレータブルスイミングリングに非常によく似ているため、通常の時間に折り畳んで保管することができ、膨張した場合にのみ人体の形に変形できるため、「インフレータブルドール」とも呼ばれます。


実際、その時代のインフレータブル人形は、「人間の形をした風船のおもちゃ」と呼ばれるほど「人間の形をしたオナホール」ではなく、シンプルなものとラフなものの風船のおもちゃでした。 今日のショッピングモールの前にある膨脹可能なマスコットと比較すると、これらの膨脹可能なおもちゃは外観がより人間味があり、通気するための1つまたは2つの穴があります。


しかし、それにもかかわらず、インフレータブルドールの登場により、需要者の大半は長い間乾燥していると感じており、特に日本で発売されると好評を博しています。特に売り上げは非常に熱いです。 たとえば、2011年1月初旬にオーストラリアで洪水が発生したとき、2人の19歳の子供が救命浮輪としてインフレータブルドールを持って救助に来ました。




人間の発明の開発動向の1つは、シンプルでスマートです。 80年代には、まだ広く流通している「手のひらサイズの人形」がまだありました。 くり抜いた大きなバナナとほぼ同等で、非常に使いやすく、持ち運びが簡単で、隠しやすいので、多くの需要者が急いで購入する製品になりました。


しかし、問題は、そのような小さな人形とマスターベーションの間に大きな違いがないことです。 結局のところ、ほとんどの人は、手のひらだけでなく、完全な抱擁を望んでいます。




1980年代の終わりには、ワンピースのセックス人形が登場しました。 この時点で、セックス人形はシミュレーションに近づき始めました。 最初は、ワンピース人形の体全体が硬くて角張っていました! さらに、彼らの姿勢は固定され、単一であり、さまざまな人々の多様なニーズを満たすことができません。


これらの欠点を克服するために、人々は1990年代初頭に模擬セックス人形のプロトタイプ、すなわち複合セックス人形を開発しました。 この人形の体のさまざまな部分を分解して組み立てることができるため、さまざまな人のニーズを満たすためにさまざまなポーズでポーズをとることができます。


さらに、彼らの顔は美しくなり、人々の美的ニーズをある程度まで世話しました。 ただし、肌はまだ硬く、繊細で現実的ではないなど、詳細はまだ不十分です。






日本は、より柔軟で変化しやすい姿勢で、よりリアルな感覚をユーザーに与えることを期待して、人工骨で人形を作ることを試み始めました。 しかし、人間の骨や関節は複雑な構造と柔軟な動きを持っているため、それらを模倣するのは簡単ではありません。


さらに、人々はセックスドールを作るために、高度な医療用の無毒なソフトウェアのシリコンまたはPVC素材を使用し始めました。 これらの素材は、より柔軟に接触します。 人々は人形にバッテリーを取り付けて、一定の期間、一定の「体温」を37°Cに維持できるように、人々が本当の抱擁の感覚にふけるようにします!




外観では、セックス人形の外観も質的に飛躍しています。 彼らの髪は完全に本物の素材で作られており、その顔のほとんどはAV女優によって作られています。




「シミュレーションのさらなる改善」は、セックスドールの今後の開発の主流の傾向であるべきです。 現在、セックス人形はすでに本物の人の喘ぎ、体温、さらには体液の放出をシミュレートできます! 将来のセックス人形は、ユーザーの身元を識別し、ユーザーと浮気し、セックスゲームをプレイし、ユーザーのさまざまな姿勢や位置に異なる反応をすることができるかもしれません...



Sex Dolls Maintenance Guide

Doll maintenance:

1. If there is a little oil leakage on the surface, it is a normal phenomenon, please wipe it gently with a dry towel and puff on talcum powder.

2. Do not place the sex doll in direct sunlight for a long time, so as not to cause material aging and shorten the service life.

3. If there is an indentation on the surface of the doll for a long time, you can use a hot towel to compress it for a period of time.

4. If there is dust and dirt on the surface of the doll, you can use ordinary detergents, such as washing powder and shower gel. Note: (Avoid using your nails to grasp the surface of the doll vigorously.) The included protective powder (also can be replaced with ordinary rice dumpling powder) is evenly spread on the surface. After washing, the doll's surface is as smooth as before and feels delicate. If the doll has dirt on its skin, you can use olive oil or other oil, pour it on a cotton pad, and then wipe it gently. Except for large area dyeing, decoloring paste can be used, and other situations are not recommended.

100cm small sex doll

5, try to choose light-colored clothing, wear dark clothing is best to have a white clothing base, should avoid wearing easily faded or dark clothing, so as not to contaminate the doll.

6, can not be placed with substances containing ink, such as newspapers and magazines. Avoid placing with dark-colored clothing or leather cloths containing oil-soluble pigments to avoid contaminating the doll.

7. The doll's posture is a straight posture when it leaves the factory. Do not allow the doll to pose in a difficult and bending posture for a long time, so as not to deform or damage the rubber material due to long-term pulling.

8, wig care, the same, if you buy a TPE sex doll, you need to know a little common sense, the doll needs care. The hair is the same. If it is troublesome, tie it up and wash the wig at the same time for two months. It is the same as washing the head. The difference is that you do n’t rub it vigorously and just wash it gently. Want to make the wig better care? Then use the conditioner. After washing, add water and conditioner to mix well, then put the fake in it for half an hour, and then take it out to wait for the air to dry. Then you can braid and ponytail.

100cm small sex doll

9. Regarding the storage problem, mini sex dolls are basically well stored, just find a place. The luggage can be lowered from 65 cm to 105 cm, no matter how large it is difficult to find. For dolls above 125cm, you can use a sofa-type storage box, which is more secure. From the outside, it is a sofa, and then you put an absolute hidden artifact on the sofa.

Remember to wrap it with a blanket when you put it, otherwise it will be very painful to bump. Second, no matter how good Tibetan baby artifacts are, you must use powder to cut off the time. Third, if you put them in your closet, it's okay, but remember not to curl up all the time, or to move, otherwise the joints are easily broken. Fourth, there are manufacturers who can do hooks, leaving holes on the back, just like hanging clothes.

Try to choose light-colored clothing. It is best to wear dark clothing with white clothing as a base. Avoid wearing clothing that is easy to fade or dark. Do not put it together with ink-containing substances, such as newspapers and magazines. Avoid with oil-soluble pigments. Put on dark clothing or leather cloth together to avoid contaminating the doll.

History of sex doll development

Hitler, the founder of inflatable dolls

During World War II, in order to prevent German soldiers from fighting with women of "non-Aryan descent" in the occupied territories and preventing sexually transmitted diseases (especially syphilis) from raging in Nazi camps, he personally instructed the SS commander Himmler to secretly develop Women have "dolls" with similar physiological structures, and they are discouraged by male soldiers.


Hitler also requires that the inflatable doll must have fair skin, golden hair, large eyes, a height of 1.76 meters, and a soft mouth and plump chest.

However, the soldiers refused to carry these sexy dolls because they were afraid of being laughed after being captured.

Tough sex doll development process

Danish doctor Oren and German psychiatrist Rudolph took over the design and development of the doll. However, on the night of February 13, 1945, the Allied bombing destroyed the factory that made the doll and 130,000 residents.

Twenty years later, the United States copied the once-unfinished "sex doll" program, providing a large number of dolls for American soldiers on the front line, and the soldiers were crying with excitement! Then Germany hurriedly began to sell similar toys.

"Antarctica 1", the lust and welfare of Japanese civil servants

In the 20th century, Japan sent personnel to Antarctica for the first time. The government was worried that the long-term abstinence of the expedition team members would affect their health, so they used public funds to develop a high-quality emotional doll named "Antarctica 1." Looking at it this way, don't those who masturbate every day want to live a hundred years?

The Japanese dolls at the beginning were basically personal balloon toys made of vinyl and rubber, and the price was very cheap. Blow before use and it can be folded after use, but it often leaks at the edges of the body due to cracks. Imagine that when you are hi, the face of the inflatable doll suddenly dries quickly ... Can it still harden?

The inflatable doll is leaking

70s and 80s, hollow bananas and amputated girls were dolls

In this period, a “palm-medium doll” that is still popular today has appeared. It is roughly equivalent to a hollowed out banana, which is easy to carry and hide, and was popular

 At the end of the 1980s, the one-piece "dolls" finally appeared! They started to approach the simulation, but their bodies were still stiff and their posture was single. To overcome these shortcomings, modular dolls are available. But looking at the arms and thighs that have been ripped apart, feel a bit scary?

Sex dolls make men all over the world crazy

After the 90's, the doll's performance opened grandly, and people began to use the advanced medical non-toxic software silicone or PVC materials to make the "other half." The dolls have become more flexible. The battery allows them to maintain a constant temperature of 37 °, and the otakus can finally take a bath with their "girlfriends".

The doll's face and vagina are usually imitated, like a girl in reality

They can have sex with you

XxThe sex robot Roxxy from the United Kingdom can initially meet your requirements. Look at this sex doll. In addition to the realistic appearance, you can also customize their personality. In addition, Roxxy is interested in football. If you want, she can discuss Manchester United with you.

British sex robot Roxxy, 170cm tall and 55 kg in weight, is said to sell for $ 7,000

Introduction, Valentina, the Brazilian real doll below, her first night price is 105,100 US dollars! The bidder also received a free round trip to Sao Paulo, a free hotel presidential suite, French dinner and erotic lingerie!

$ 105,100 gift package: including the right to use the doll, a round trip to Sao Paulo, the hotel presidential suite, a French meal, erotic lingerie ...

Brazilian real doll Valentina

On the other side, CNV, a well-known adult goods distributor, sent Missy into space, and at a height of 102,000 feet, she was torn into sexy pieces. It can be described as "a small step for Missy, a big step for dolls".

Japanese "Oriental Industry" sex doll has more than 40 years of history

Speaking of adult sex dolls, I have to mention Japan's "Oriental Industry"

►In 1977, Japan's well-known sex doll manufacturer "Oriental Industry" (オ リ 工业 ン ト 工 工业) was established. The picture shows Dongfang Industry's first "advanced sex doll": smile.

At that time, Oriental Industries mainly targeted the disabled and elderly people living alone. Even if these people want to spend money to find special services, they often return to nothing, or they are generally considered to have "there are physical defects and what sexual needs", so they have to buy sex dolls in the workshop.

However, the design of the sex doll at that time was quite bad, except that it was too large and difficult for the physically disabled to take, because it was an inflatable product that fell on the touch and could not be used in various positions. It is also difficult for the disabled to use missionary positions. Dongfang Industry feels this. Although this smile doll looks ugly in modern eyes, it improves all the above shortcomings. At that time, the price of sex dolls was about 10,000 to 20,000 yen, and this doll from Oriental Industry was a super high-end 38,000 yen.

►In 1982, Oriental Industry launched a new product, "Shadow"


The limbs are detachable. The foam is made of polymer material such as foamed polyurethane. The skin is made of soft rubber and latex. The "4-layer structure" shows the subtle texture of human skin and underlying blood vessels and muscles. A major advance in flyby. However, users over 120 kg cannot use it. Although it is no longer inflatable, the polymer material in the doll will be crushed and exploded! (cry)

►1987, "Shadow", an improved version of "Shadow"


The angle of the legs of the shadow can only reach 90 degrees. According to Oriental Industry, this is because of the strength of the doll, which has to be chosen. However, the opening angle of the shadow body has been greatly improved, and many joints have been made into movable styles. So far, you can see how slender and delicate the sex doll is, and the price at this time is already an amazing 158,000 yen.

►In 1992, a series of fully optimized again "Cinema"

The price has reached 240,000 yen. Yinghua's body no longer has a parting line due to the process, and the skin surface is less likely to be damaged. So far, the "Shadow Series" is over.

►1999, Asuka & Alice

Because the skin is too difficult to maintain with latex, it is not only easy to stick to dust, but also easy to deteriorate and embrittlement. Oriental industry uses soft rubber as the material, and the doll style is completely different from before.

If you look closely at the picture above, you will find that Asuka sells for as long as 168,000 yen. This is because the manufacturing cost of soft rubber is much lower than that of latex. The two dolls made Dongfang Industrial a great success again, and it is reported that the sales volume is 5-6 times that of the previous dolls.

► In 2000, the sub-brand FANTASIA.

In order to expand the market, Oriental Industry began to make ACG (anime game) style dolls, not so much as sex dolls, but rather as a huge collection of anime fans now. However, this sub-brand has been closed in 2012, which is a pity.

►2001, "Pocket Gem" series.

Fly-over growth is here! This time, Orient Industry changed the material again, from soft rubber to silicone rubber, which we are now familiar with. Since the whole process had to start again, this series took 2 years to develop. Due to the high cost of production, the price jumped to 560,000 yen at a stretch. This price is still slightly higher than the current silicone doll.

From this time on, the new dolls are almost similar in appearance. Although there are also improvements in the framework and technology, the difference in appearance is relatively small for the average consumer.

►2004, JEWEL series


►2008, ANGE series.


►In 2011, JEWEL REAL TASTE series.


Japan Oriental Industrial Doll Fair (Shibuya, Tokyo)

The sex doll is very delicate and the details are exquisite

Made to life

Showroom in Shibuya, Tokyo

Even if the doll is distorted due to the shooting angle, it will not feel ugly

Doll price 1,296,000 yen

American Realdoll doll

Another sex doll company I have to mention is Realdoll. The American Realdoll company was founded in the 1990s. The Realdoll dolls produced are known for their simulation, exquisiteness and attention to detail. The founder Matt McMullen is a sculptor.

A doll from the American Realdoll 2nd generation: Natalie

In 2006, Realdoll from the United States participated in the Sexual Culture Festival in Guangzhou, China. "The Realdoll doll on the stand is 1.78 meters tall, bust is 34D, hair is golden and fair-skinned." The human body parts are highly simulated. It was quickly bought by a businessman in his 50s.

RealDoll founder Matt McMullen in his office at the Abyss Creations factory just outside San Diego

Silicone is expensive. A life-size silicone doll may exceed 30 kg. Realdoll silicone dolls cost more than $ 7,000. It is said that for every additional cup on the chest, it costs $ 850. Draw eyeshadows and eyeliners for silicone dolls, choose different types of eyeballs, hair, and make them look like real people. There are many options for Realdoll's head and limbs to provide customization.

RealDoll's first oriental face doll: Sai Sai
Skin Tone: Yellow
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Makeup: Fine black eyeliner, slate eye shadow
Hair color and style: black (can also be customized)


Realdoll Sai

In April 2017, Realdoll United Technology Company launched the AI ​​artificial intelligence female robot doll Harmony. Unlike traditional sex dolls, Harmony has the ability to learn and will have emotions with humans.

Harmony has a heater inside the body that simulates real body temperature. Built-in evolvable AI system with permanent memory to remember user information. You can chat, keep learning, and fall in love with users. The operating system can be updated through the mobile APP.

RealDoll's founder Matt McMullen and AI smart doll Harmony

Harmony is said to have a Scottish accent and has 18 personality types such as "shy" and "sexy".

2014-2020 LIT Sex Dolls